BE-4053 N. veitchii x (burbidgeae x edwardsiana)ウツボカズラ 食虫植物 卸売 3
カテゴリ花、園芸観葉植物その他状態未使用(詳細)●7月21,22,25,26,27日は発送出来ません。 ※重要 【ご落札と同時にお番号を取引連絡からご連絡下さい。】※ご落札者様の番号非表示について この7月15日からヤフオクのシステムが変更になり完全にご落札者様の番号が出品者に表示されなくなりました。 ですが当方で利用しておりますヤマト運輸の伝票を発行するには送り先の番号は必須となっており発送後のトラブルや再配達になった際の事を考えますと番号は記載しておいた方が安全ですのでご連絡頂くのをオススメしております。 ※お番号の連絡が無い場合はご落札者様の番号を00-0000-0000で伝票を発行させて頂きますが発送後にヤマト運輸と連絡が取れない、再配達が出来ない等のトラブル等はこちらでは責任取れませんのでご了承下さい。 詳しくはこちら↓ ヤフオク【取引情報の番号表示の仕様変更について】 BE-4053 N. veitchii x (burbidgeae x edwardsiana) Climate: Intermediate
こちらに関しての詳細は以下をご覧下さいませ。 History: First introduced through the wholesale auctions in April 2021.
Description: The female parent is a lowland N. veitchii, originating from a clone donated in-vitro by a Germain friend in the 1990s. The exact location of the parent plant is not known, but it is suspected to be from the Mr Legaspi region of Mindanao. It bears our Collection ID# 0242. The male parent is the lovely cross N. burbidgeae x edwardsiana and is of the same clone as used in our other crosses.
We love making hybrids that are either recorded from the wild as natural hybrids or will have probably existed as natural hybrids at some point in the past. This is a good example of the latter, because all three parent species can be found in the vicinity of Mt. Kinabalu in Sabah, so it’s almost certain that at some point in the past several million years, that this cross existed naturally in the wild.
In the plants we have raised at the time of writing (April 2021), we are seeing two different color variations; the photos here illustrate this. Some are an unusual and very beautiful lilac, which is sometimes seem in juvenile pitchers of Nepenthes (e.g. some juvenile N. veitchii pitchers are lilac but that fades as the pitchers mature). However, pitchers on these plants remain that color, even as the pitchers mature. One photo below shows pitchers which are on the same plant. The one with the more flared peristome is newly opened, but the other one with the more rolled back peristome is mature and as you can see, the color remains similar. Some other plants we are seeing have a different colouration with a bronze peristome as another photo below shows. The last photo below is of a tray of juvenile plants and shows the approximate proportions of the different colouration that can be expected in a batch of plants shipped.
Since one parent is lowland and the other highland, we have classified this item as ‘intermediate’ and expect it will grow in a wide range of temperatures.
BE-4053 N. veitchii x (burbidgeae x edwardsiana)
Climate: Intermediate
History: First introduced through the wholesale auctions in April 2021.
Description: The female parent is a lowland N. veitchii, originating from a clone donated in-vitro by a Germain friend in the 1990s. The exact location of the parent plant is not known, but it is suspected to be from the Mr Legaspi region of Mindanao. It bears our Collection ID# 0242. The male parent is the lovely cross N. burbidgeae x edwardsiana and is of the same clone as used in our other crosses.
We love making hybrids that are either recorded from the wild as natural hybrids or will have probably existed as natural hybrids at some point in the past. This is a good example of the latter, because all three parent species can be found in the vicinity of Mt. Kinabalu in Sabah, so it’s almost certain that at some point in the past several million years, that this cross existed naturally in the wild.
In the plants we have raised at the time of writing (April 2021), we are seeing two different color variations; the photos here illustrate this. Some are an unusual and very beautiful lilac, which is sometimes seem in juvenile pitchers of Nepenthes (e.g. some juvenile N. veitchii pitchers are lilac but that fades as the pitchers mature). However, pitchers on these plants remain that color, even as the pitchers mature. One photo below shows pitchers which are on the same plant. The one with the more flared peristome is newly opened, but the other one with the more rolled back peristome is mature and as you can see, the color remains similar. Some other plants we are seeing have a different colouration with a bronze peristome as another photo below shows. The last photo below is of a tray of juvenile plants and shows the approximate proportions of the different colouration that can be expected in a batch of plants shipped.
Since one parent is lowland and the other highland, we have classified this item as ‘intermediate’ and expect it will grow in a wide range of temperatures.